Library and Resources

Library and Resources

The following books and reference materials are available for all members to use


 on loanTitle AuthorYear Publisher Comments 
Phase 1 Survey Handbook JNCC2010  JNCC‘Handbook for Phase 1 habitat survey – a technique for environmental audit’ . JNCC (2010 reprint) 
A4 Handbook with details and examples for how to construct a LWS Habitat Map. This is the 2010 JNCC upgrade with key sections including: 
p.23 Urban Survey 
p.37 Habitat Classification and Coding this includes the main Habitat Types with Descriptions. There is NO ‘ Rough Grassland ’ habitat, but 6 Grassland types are defined with 3 more as ‘Cultivated/disturbed land ’ 
p.61 Appendix 2 : Summary of Habitat Types 
For recent expanded details and digital map colours also refer  …although a hardcopy version is often easier to follow in practice. 
 Handbook of British MammalsCorbet Gordon B and Harris Stephen (editors) 1990Wiley-BlackwellComprehensive reference work which summarizes all aspects of information on the mammals to be found in the United Kingdom and Ireland, and includes appearance, distribution, ecology and behaviour.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and EuropeRoger Tory Peterson, Guy Mountfort, P. A. D. Hollom1983CollinsWell-recognised bird guide giving prominence to key identification features, ideal for beginners, as well as more expert birdwatchers. Nearly 700 species are described in Guy Mountfort’s clear, readable text, and there are over 1500 colour illustrations by Roger Tory Peterson. The maps compiled by P.A.D. Hollom show the breeding range and winter range.
Insects of Britain and Western Europe – Collins Pocket Guide Michael Chinery 1993 CollinsThis pocket guide to insects is designed to aid species identification, with over 2000 colour illustrations of common and rare insects found in Britain and Western Europe.
 A Key to the Major Groups of British Terrestrial InvertebratesSM Tilling 1987FSC, Aid-GapIdentification guide is designed to help non-specialists identify the invertebrates found on land throughout the British Isles. An identification key is included to enable non-specialists to identify living animals encountered during field studies in most terrestrial or semi-terrestrial habitats.
 Grasshoppers and CricketsTed Benton2012Collins 
New Naturalist 
The most up to date reference guide to Orthoptera in Britain. ID illustrations are not as good as other books, but very detailed descriptions. 
Includes DVD. 
ISBN 978-0007277247 
 Trees: Britain and Europe (Collins Field Guide)Alan Mitchell1992 CollinsBook illustrates in colour every tree regularly found in Britain and northern Europe. The text complements the paintings, stressing the important identification features of each tree. The keys are easy-to-use, designed to help even the beginner identify any tree they see in any season.
 GrassesCharles Edward Hubbard 1984Penguin Books Concise and informative descriptions of the structure of grasses and their flowers, there are lists of grasses for various habitats, followed by a key to grasses in flower.
 British Grasses, A Punched -Card Key to Grasses in the Vegetative StatePankhurst R J and Allison J M  1985Field Studies Council & The British Museum Plastic ring bound booklet and punchcards on rope for identifying grasses not in flower. Note: not as easy to use as it seems!
 Charophytes of Great Britain and Ireland (B.S.B.I. Handbook)Moore, Jenny A 1986 BSBIStandard identification guide for British species of Stonewort – Chara, Nitella, Tolypella. Paperback. 144pp. 17 distribution maps.
  Species Identification Guide (+recording guidelines and form)NPMS 2015National Plant Monitoring SchemeNational Plant Monitoring Scheme  Species Identification Guide,2015. 
 ISBN: 9781910212127 (copy #1) 
  Species Identification Guide (+recording guidelines and form )NPMS 2015National Plant Monitoring SchemeNational Plant Monitoring Scheme  Species Identification Guide,2015. 
 ISBN: 9781910212127 (copy #2)
 Sedges of the British Isles: B.S.B.I. Handbook No. 1Tutin, T.G.; Chater, A.O.; David, R.W. 1982 BSBIIdentification guide to Carex in Britain. With taxonomic keys and line drawings. Paperback. 268pp
 Brighton & Hove Explorer MapOrdnance Survey Ordnance SurveyOrdnance Survey Explorer OL11 Brighton & Hove 1:25,000 Map in plastic protector. 
5x copies available
 Umbellifers of the British Isles (B.S.B.I. Handbook)T.G. Tutin 1980BSBIKey, descriptions and line drawings of 73 British species of umbellifer. Paperback. 197pp.
 Willows and Poplars of Great Britain and Ireland (B.S.B.I. handbook)R.D. Meikle 1984BSBI Identification guide to native Salix and Populus species, hybrids and varieties in Britain. With taxonomic keys and line drawings. Paperback. 198pp.
 Roger Phillips2006 Pan Macmillan Comprehensive guide to British mushrooms and other fungi

Documents – key references and submitted representations

__ DateTopicComments
9 August 2012BHWF Formal comments on Draft LBAP August2012  (as web-page) Comments submitted with large appendix of recommended objectives for habitats and species. Sent by e-mail and council’s consultation board
February 2013Parliamentary Guidance Notes on EIA and Biodiversity   (.pdf documentThis note sets out how the information on impacts of proposed developments on biodiversity is given to planners in England. It also summarises approaches to enhance biodiversity and avoid, mitigate and compensate for negative impacts.
 12 October 2013Mapping  Local Wildlife Sites + Data Meeting t o find way of managing data for the Local Wildlife Sites, displaying this as   a map and updating the key information relating to each site. A ‘map’ is only one output from this data set.
 18 October 2013  LWS Lists List of LWS locations discussed in 2013 meetings with BHCC Ecologist
 November 2013‘ IHS Brief Definitions ’ The ‘Integrated Habitat Classification’ was produced by Somerset Environmental Records Centre and used by Brighton and Hove council in defining the local habitat types. Refer to SERC ‘IHS BRIEF DEFINITIONS’
 3 Dec. 2013‘Standard Paragraph’ when submitting BHWF responses “Brighton and Hove’s Wildlife Forum is a non-profit community partnership of representatives from twenty-four local wildlife groups with local experts in their field; and over a hundred naturalists, students and professional environmental consultants. 
BHWF has the commitment to conserve and enhance Biodiversity across the Brighton and Hove area. 
Further details can be seen by visiting”  
 3 March 2014Formal Response to ‘Food Partnership’.pdf Over 80 sites were initially being considered for Food Growing. Many of these were on Local Wildlife Sites. See .pdf for Full Comments (3 March 2014)
  21 October 2013Objection to Dorothy Stringer PlanningApplication  – October 2013 C onclusion:  it appears the desire for a free or very reduced cost ‘artificial turf sports pitch’ by the Dorothy Stringer School has taken priority over their consideration of the true biodiversity costs of installing this artificial pitch over the local   native   wildlife. Brighton   and   Hove’s   Wildlife   Forum   therefore   OBJECTS to   this development.
31 March 2014
Objection to Dorothy Stringer PlanningApplication – March 2014. ‘Extended Habitat Survey’ was added – carried out in November!In conclusion it appears the desire for a free or very reduced cost ‘artificial turf sports pitch’ by the Dorothy Stringer School has taken priority over their consideration of the true biodiversity costs of installing this artificial pitch over the local  native  wildlife. The ‘Habitat Survey’ report undertaken in mid-November fails to cover significant aspects, such as LBAP species or mitigation in terms of habitat connectivity. Brighton  and  Hove’s  Wildlife  Forum  therefore  OBJECTS to  this development.
13 May 2014Additional Objection to Dorothy Stringer Planning Application 00697 May 2014A plastic pitch will prevent rainwater reaching the elm trees near the pitch.
Butterfly Banks.
 2 May 2014BHWF response to Stanmer Estate Draft Master Plan‘We welcome the general aim of restoration of this important parkland asset, now part of the South Downs National Park. We would like to have seen more consideration of nature and biodiversity…’
   28 June 2014Brighton & Hove Urban Fringe Assessment June2014   Brighton & Hove Urban Fringe Assessment. 28 June 2014.  FINAL Report, prepared by Land Use Consultants  (5.6 MB pdf file)
  30 Oct 2015Wildlife Records – mainly Birds and Butterflies Many bird and butterfly records across various Local Sites collected by Graham Champion since 1992.
  2013/14Butterfly Conservation (Sussex) :Annual Report 2013/14  Butterfly Conservation (Sussex): Annual Report (2013/14) by Paul Gorringe   
   20 Sep 2014Application Form to the Biosphere  Application Form to join the Biosphere Partnership  –  sent 20 September 2014
 15 Dec 2014‘City Plan Part One’ – Formal Comments BHWF Representation on ‘BHCC proposed modifications to the City Plan Part One’
 11 July 2016Representation To Dr Caroline Lucas MP on City Plan and Sites, plus LBAP. Key Points: 
1. Show all LWS and LGS locations accurately on the City Plan using current data following the 2013 LWS review. 
2. Produce Table showing LBAP objectives to clarifying the Actions proposed over the year, and a checklist for confirming progress. 
3. Clarify who in BHCC Planning Policy Team will take primary responsibility for ensuring an accurate dataset is incorporated on to City Plan maps.
 19th July 2016Notes on ‘Brighton Open Spaces Strategy’ Consultation Open Spaces Strategy Consultation for Brighton and Hove, Meeting attended by Maureen Holt and Martin Robinson.
  17th January 2017Open Spaces Strategy, Brighton & Hove  City Council Members of the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approved the draft strategy in principle on 17 January 2017. Hard Copy in BHWF Library.   NOTE: it is hard to find the Strategy online.
  22nd September 2016‘City Plan Part Two’ – Formal Comments on Biodiversity/Open Space   Biodiversity and Open Space Consultation by BHCC 
  Formal response by B HWF 
Sent 22nd Septe mber 2016
 17th Nov. 2017
    National Park: Pre-Submission Consultation 2017 Comments  
 South Downs National Park Local Plan. Sent 17 November 2017 
Lists LWS and LGS missing from draft Local Plan.
 9th February 2018
    Stanmer Woodland Management Plan
 Comments on Stanmer Woodland Management Plan. Biodiversity Objectives are very weak, linking poorly to published strategies elsewhere. 

February 2021 Red Foxes in Brighton and Hove Red Foxes in Brighton and Hove article

Minutes and Reports

 December 2018
    Annual Report 
   BHWF Annual Report and Accounts – 2018
 December 2019
    Annual Report 
   BHWF Annual Report and Accounts – 2019
December 2020
    Annual Report
 BHWF Annual Report and Accounts – 2020